2 in 1 Piano Rack & Walker

Educational center 2 in 1 walker and piano mat toy that will help the baby to walk and also keep his attention with interesting games for a long time.

Walkers will help your little one take their first steps and explore the world safely and confidently.

Walkers develop coordination of movements and learn to keep balance. The design is very light and easy to assemble and disassemble.

The walkers are equipped with a piano-shaped sound bar. The piano has two playback modes, which are switched using the microphone and note buttons.

The Note button plays two melodies, while each key is equipped with an additional melody that can be heard by pressing it.

The microphone button plays three melodies, and when you press the keys, notes sound.

During sound effects, the keys light up or flash.

It is possible to adjust the volume. removable piano, it can be installed in two positions. With the help of the mat and toys included, you can transform the walker into a developmental mat.

All you have to do is move the rug and attach the toys.

Attention: the mat is not attached to the walker in any way!

In Stock
Item Number: FFHE0634
Age: Unisex 3+
16.500 kd
8.250 kd


  • Piano Rack and Walker
  • Walker for Kids
  • Walker for Children
  • Walker for Baby .

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